Audit of Aviation Safety Management System
Athens International Airport
airsight has been appointed to carry out an audit of the aviation safety management system at Athens International Airport, ‘Eleftherios Venizelos’.
The main aim of an audit on safety management systems (SMS) is to verify the system functions well and ensures safe operations.
airsight’s wide ranging expertise in safety management systems (SMS) includes assisting operators with introducing and operating such a system as well conducting audits of its implementation and continuing compliance for many airports all over Europe.
Such services include defining the organisational structure and responsibilities, developing proactive and reactive processes, documenting the SMS and designing concepts for safety training and promotion, as well as checking compliance with national and international regulations and developing recommendations on how to maintain compliance and increase safety.
The audit for Athens International Airport (AIA) was directed primarily on the safety management system (SMS) itself, including related airfield and ground handling services (airfield operations, driver training, wildlife management), as well as on the interaction of the involved departments and third parties.
The focus of the audit was to verify compliance of AIA’s safety approach with the applicable relevant ICAO regulations and guidance material. A specialised audit team of airsight experts carried out a comprehensive documentation review and site visits to Athens International to collect all required data and information. The audit outcomes were documented in a final audit report.
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