Helideck Certifications

airsight offers helideck inspection services for offshore and onshore installations. This includes helicopter landing decks on platforms and ships as well as winch operating areas.

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Hardy Springborn
Hardy SpringbornHead of Department
+49 30 45803177 info@airsight.de

Helideck Certification Services 

At airsight, we believe in doing what we love and loving what we do. Get an overview of our Helideck Certification Services and enjoy these exclusive behind the scenes insights of the work of an airsight helideck inspector. 

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There is today an extensive expansion of offshore wind turbines, especially in Northern Europe. As the turbines are located further and further away from the mainland, the crew transport by ship or CTV (crew transfer vessels) is very time-consuming. The solution is to perform crew transport via helicopter to the platforms. Such helideck has however to be initially certified and requires an annual inspection as part of their maintenance program. Winching areas (on wind turbines and platforms) can also be inspected as part of an aeronautical survey.

Depending on the location of the platform and the helideck, a wide variety of regulations must be followed. In addition to ICAO Annex 14 Volume II Heliports and ICAO Doc 9261 Heliport Manual, airsight applies other national guidelines for the inspections, such as CAP 437 (Standards for offshore helicopter landing areas, UK) or AVV No. 246a (Allgemeine Verwaltungsvorschrift zur Genehmigung der Anlage und des Betriebs von Hubschrauberflugplätzen, Germany), in their respective current versions.

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Our Services

airsight's team, consisting of aviation experts with many years of experience, assists its clients in the implementation of certification inspections and supports them with expert opinions in obtaining and maintaining certification with the relevant authorities. In addition, friction testing can also be undertaken by the team of airsight.

Inspections are conducted to ensure safe and cost-efficient operation of helidecks and winching areas and facilitate the working conditions in the offshore sector for our clients.

  • Factory Acceptance Test (FAT):
    Even before the helicopter landing deck is attached to the offshore platform, an initial check of the landing deck's infrastructure elements can be carried out (markings, lighting systems, safety net, stairways, fire extinguishing systems, etc.). In this way, deviations from existing aviation regulations can be identified and eliminated at an early stage before more cost-intensive measures apply.
  • Site Acceptance Test (SAT):
    This test is carried out as part of the initial acceptance of the helicopter landing deck on the offshore platform. It serves as proof for the individual infrastructural and local conditions of the installation to the competent authority and aims at the certification and commissioning of the helicopter landing deck.

Depending on the requirements of the authorities, helicopter landing decks and winching areas must be inspected regularly, to ensure the safe operation of such facilities and to maintain the operating license.

Depending on the condition of the surface, the surface roughness of a helideck must also be tested regularly. airsight has the necessary technical means to carry out this measurement.

  • Sampling of HAPI/lighting equipment:
    For night operations, lighting equipment must be fitted to a helideck and be operative. This includes, among other things, the initial sampling of the Helicopter Approach Path Indicator (HAPI). During a test flight, airsight can determine the functionality and correct setting of the HAPI.
  • Supervision of rescue exercises/hazard assessments:
    In order to be able to act in appropriate situations, regular rescue exercises are carried out with the responsible personnel (HLO, HDA, etc.). airsight assists its clients as an observer during such exercises and supports them with valuable expert opinions on the realization of safety standards and the optimization of actions as well as the preparation of hazard assessments.
  • Creation of CAD plans and drawings:
    In the context of new planning’s or changes in the surrounding area, helipads sometimes must be adapted. airsight is able to create the necessary plans and drawings.
  • In addition, the preparation of statements, supplier audits or expert opinions on all of the above mentioned topics is possible.

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