Aviation Audits

airsight offers worldwide renowned auditing services for aerodrome operators and other aviation stakeholders to assess implementation and compliance statuses.

Contact Aerdrome Certification Department

Moritz Kaschel
Moritz KaschelHead of Department
+49 30 45803177 info@airsight.de


Audits in aviation play a vital role to assure compliance, a good level of implementation of procedures throughout each organisation and continous improvement. 

airsight conducts tailored, independent and objective audits for its customers based on the ISO 19011 provisions for Management System Audits. For that airsight maintains a pool of qualified and certified inhouse aviation auditors. 

Our audits allow operators of all aviation branches to receive an external and independent assessment of their regulatory compliance (ICAO, EASA, national rules) as well as their level of conformity with their own procedures. 

Furthermore, airsight auditors may be deployed to conduct supplier audits during or before subcontracting of relevant activities.

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System Audits

Receive an independent and reliable status-quo on the level of compliance of your Management System

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Operators in aviation across Europe need to foresee a formal process to monitor compliance of the organisation with the relevant requirements. At the same time, the independence of the compliance monitoring needs to be ensured, meaning, that the compliance function cannot audit itself.

airsight offers independent and external audits is specialised in aviation management system audits, including compliance monitoring systems.

Typically, in the first step airsight will perform a desktop audit using all provided client’s documentation (Manuals, Standard Operating Procedures, Records) to have a basic system understanding and collect initial items to be verified in the second step – the on-site audit.

A comprehensive audit report and management summary will be provided by the airsight auditors.

Process Audits

Deep-cut audits of specific processes to identify room for improvement and regulatory compliance

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Gain insights about how well processes are implemented and established in your organisation. Our auditors will support you with deep-cut audits of for example specific operational processes in your organisation.

Process audits may be part of a comprehensive system audit - airsight will tailor the services to your specific needs!

Any room for improvement or non-conformities will be documented and submitted to you with a comprehensive audit report and a management summary.

airsight audits may be considered as "Internal Audits as a Service" or preparation audits ("friendly audits") for upcoming certification audits.


Supplier Audits

airsight supports its clients with assessing supplier performance before and during sub-contracting

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Our experts conduct supplier audits on behalf of our clients to verify the compliance with any service level agreement or contracts between the parties. 

Furthermore, the audit aimed to assess the operator's compliance with key regulations and guidelines, prioritizing safety and operational efficiency. Additionally, we provide our clients with an external and independent feedback on the quality performance of their sub-contractors.

Generally, supplier audits shall be initially conducted before a service is executed by a subcontractor and after that in regular intervals.

The audits are documented in form of an audit report which highlights findings, observations as well as recommendations and positive items. The audit report will also serve as evidence for Civil Aviation Authorities as part of the operator’s compliance management system.

Stress Tests

airsight identifies vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and risks of management systems before they emerge

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The objective of a Stress Test is to identify potential vulnerabilities, weaknesses, and risks that may arise in the future. For that airsight is your foresighted partner in a constantly evolving regulatory environment with rapid technological advancements and global challenges like the climate change.

Prevent. Respond. Recover.

New regulations and directives on Aviation Cybersecurity (Regulation (EU) 2023/203) and Criticial (Entities) Infrastructure (Directive (EU) 2022/2557) aim to improve security and therefore minimse impacts on safety and business continuity.

With its partners airsight enables you to be prepared.


In order to protect aviation domains from information security threats and manage potential risks Reg. (EU) 2022/1645 (Continuing Airworthiness, Maintenance, Training, ATC Organisations) and Reg. (EU) 2022/1645 (Production, Design Organisations and Aerodromes) lay down requirements to establish an Information Security Management System.

airsight supports your organisation with setting up or improving your ISMS.

Business Continuity and Resilience go hand-in-hand. Airport operators want to mitigate risks, maintain essential services, and recover swiftly from disruptions. airsight supports airports in elevating their Business Continuity Plans and improve operational resilience.

To cater for future regulatory requirements our team will consider new regulations and directives on Aviation Cybersecurity (Regulation (EU) 2023/203) and Criticial (Entities) Infrastructure (Directive (EU) 2022/2557) for your project.

WIth Directive (EU) 2022/2557 (CER - Ciritical Entities Resilience) Airport Operators, Airlines and Air Traffic Control Organisaitons may be declared as "Critical Entity" which provides essential services that require special protection from external factors (e.g. Natural Disasters, Accidents, Publich Health Emergencies or Antagonistic Threats).

Especially for Airport Operator airsight as an integrated service provider is able to create the Critical Entity Resilience Plan (CERP) required by Directive (EU) 2022/2557. As a bespoke aviation consultancy airsight considers already existing regulations on aviation security on the way to the final CERP.

The CERP entails the results of the Member State Risk Assessment (if provided) and the individual Critical Entity Risk Assessment (CERA). 

Directive (EU) 2022/2557 requires Airport Operators, Airlines and Air Traffic Control Organisaitons that were declared as "Critical Entity" to perform a Critical Entity Risk Assessment (CERA).

Especially for Airport Operator airsight as an integrated service provider is able to create the CERA required by Directive (EU) 2022/2557. 

The CERA entails the results of the Member State Risk Assessment (if provided) and any local potential threats from external factors (e.g. Natural Disasters, Accidents, Publich Health Emergencies or Antagonistic Threats).