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EASA aerodrome regulations are complex and always evolving!
In the past few months, EASA published numerous regulations and decisions amending the EU aerodrome standards (Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 incl. Part-ADR (AR, OR, OPS) as well as CS (ADR-DSN and HPT-DSN).
Besides changes to already existing rules, the amendments also introduce new topics, such as the FOD control programme, apron management services and operations, handover activities, reporting of runway surface condition etc. Considering the high amount of changes and the different applicability dates of these amendments, an overview is beneficial to stay up-to-date with the latest applicable standards. For our community, airsight keeps an always updated list of amendments to Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 including the applicability dates and further details.
Below you can find the current and soon upcoming applicable changes to EASA aerodrome regulations.
Register to our next Briefing on EU and EASA Aerodrome Requirements - Updates and Changes.
Last Updated: 17.07.2023
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Latest EASA and EU Regulations for Aerodromes
Overview of upcoming amendments and their applicability dates
- Green = Already applicable
- Red = Not applicable yet
- * = Changes not included in Easy Access Rules for Aerodromes yet
All of the above-mentioned amendments, besides the *-marked, have already been incorporated in the latest EASA Easy Access Rules for Aerodromes (from June 2023)
Please note: airsight does not guarantee the correctness, completeness and accuracy of the information provided on this website. Please visit the EASA website for official information.
Latest and Upcoming Changes
Publication Date: 13.07.2023 | Applicability Date: 22.02.2026
- Management of information security risks
Remarks on Changes:
AMC and GM to Authority, Organisation and Operations for Aerodromes - Issue 1, Amendment 9
This decision amends the Annex to ED decision 2014/012/R as follows:
Editoral change
- AMC1 ADR.AR.B.010(a)(1) Allocation of tasks
- GM1 ADR.AR.B.010 Allocation of tasks
- AMC1 ADR.AR.A.030A Immediate reaction to an information security incident or vulnerability with an impact on aviation safety
- GM1 ADR.AR.A.030A Immediate reaction to an information security incident or vulnerability with an impact on aviation safety
Publication Date: 28.03.2023 | Applicability Date: 29.03.2023
- Provision of rescue and firefighting services for General Aviation flights
Remarks on Changes:
AMC and GM to Authority, Organisation and Operations Requirements for Aerodromes - Issue 1, Amendment 8
This decision amends the Annex to ED decision 2014/012/R as follows:
Editoral change
- GM3 ADR.AR.C.035(a) Issuance of certificates
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.045(c) Low-visibility procedures
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.010(a) Rescue and firefighting services (Rescue and firefighting services for non-commercial operations and specialised operations)
- GM7 ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2) Rescue and firefighting services (Rescue and firefighting services for non-commercial operations and specialised operations)
Publication Date: 02.02.2023 | Applicability Date: 22.02.2026
- Management of information security risks
Remarks on Changes:
This regulation amends the Annexes of Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 as follows:
Annex II (Part-ADR.AR)
- ADR.AR.A.025(c) is added: Information to the Agency
- ADR.AR.A.030A is added: Immediate reaction to an information security incident or vulnerability with an impact on aviation safety
- ADR.AR.B.005(d) is added: Management system
- ADR.AR.B.010 is amended (heading): Allocation of tasks
- ADR.AR.B.010(c) is added: Allocation of tasks
- ADR.AR.C.005(f) is added: Oversight
- ADR.AR.C.040A is added: Changes to the information security managment system
Publication Date: 28.10.2022 | Applicability Date: 17.11.2022
Remarks on Changes:
This regulation amends the Annexes of Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 as follows:
Annex I (Definitions for terms used in Annexes II to IV)
- The definition of SNOWTAM (41b) is replaced
Publication Date: 26.09.2022 | Applicability Date: 16.10.2025
- Management of information security risks
Remarks on Changes:
This regulation amends the Annexes of Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 as follows:
Annex III (Part-ADR.OR)
- ADR.OR.D.005A is inserted: Information security management system
- ADR.OR.D.007 is replaced: Management of aeronautical data and aeronautical information
- ADR.OR.F.045A is inserted: Information security management system
Publication Date: 13.03.2024 | Applicability Date: 24.05.2025
Official link
Amending Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 as regards aerodrome safety, change of aerodrome operator and occurrence reporting
Remarks on Changes:
Annex I
- Point ‘(4a) “[aerodrome] traffic density” is inserted
- Point ‘(19b) “hot spot” is inserted
- Point ‘(47) “terms of the certificate” is replaced
Annex II
- ADR.AR.C.035, point (c) is replaced
- ADR.AR.C.060 Change of aerodrome operator is added
Annex III
- ADR.OR.B.060 Change of aerodrome operator is inserted
- ADR.OR.C.030 is replaced by ADR.OR.C.030 Occurrence reporting
- ADR.OR.D.005(b), point (11) is replaced
- ADR.OR.D.025 is replaced by ADR.OR.D.025 Coordination with other organisations
- ADR.OR.D.027 is replaced by ADR.OR.D.027 Safety programmes and aerodrome safety committees
- ADR.OR.D.030, point (ab) is inserted
- ADR.OR.F.055, point (e) is added
Annex IV
- ADR.OPS.B.011 Removal of disabled aircraft is inserted
- ADR.OPS.B.070 is replaced by ADR.OPS.B.070 Aerodrome works safety
- ADR.OPS.B.071 Closed runways and taxiways, or parts thereof is inserted
- ADR.OPS.B.090 is replaced by ADR.OPS.B.090 Use of the aerodrome by aircraft exceeding the certified design characteristics of the aerodrome
- ADR.OPS.B.095 Hot spots is added
- ADR.OPS.B.100 Suspension of runway operations and runway closure is added
- ADR.OPS.C.011 Overload operations is inserted
Further amendments to Regulation (EU) No 139/2014
- in Article 7, paragraph 4 is added
Publication Date: 29.08.2022 | Applicability Date: 30.08.2022
Remarks on Changes:
AMC and GM to Authority, Organisation and Operations Requirements for Aerodromes - Issue 1, Amendment 7
This decision amends the Annex to ED decision 2014/012/R as follows:
- GM1 ADR.OPS.A.057(d)(4) Origination of NOTAM
Publication Date: 06.07.2022 | Applicability Date: 01.08.2022
- All-weather operations
Remarks on Changes:
AMC and GM to Authority, Organisation and Operations Requirements for Aerodromes - Issue 1, Amendment 6
This decision amends the Annex to ED decision 2014/012/R as follows:
- GM1 ADR.AR.C.035(e) Issuance of certificates
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.030(a) Surface movement guidance and control system
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.045(b) Low-visibility procedures
- GM1 Annex 1 Definitions (Definitions for terms used in the acceptable means of compliance and guidance material)
- GM2 ADR.AR.C.035(e) Issuance of certificates
- GM1 ADR.OPS.A.070 Information on the aerodrome lighting system
- GM1 ADR.OPS.A.075 Charts
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.A.085 Information on visual segment surface (VSS) penetration
- GM1 ADR.OPS.B.030(a) Surface movement guidance and control system
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.030(a)(3) Surface movement guidance and control system
- GM1 ADR.OPS.A.085 Information on visual segment surface (VSS) penetration
- GM1 ADR.OPS.B.030(a)(3) Surface movement guidance and control system
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.045(a)(1) Low-visibility procedures
- GM1 ADR.OPS.B.045(a)(1) Low-visibility procedures
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.045(a)(2) Low-visibility procedures
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.045(a)(3) Low-visibility procedures
- AMC2 ADR.OPS.B.045(b) Low-visibility procedures
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.045(c) Low-visibility procedures
- GM1 ADR.OPS.B.030 Surface movement guidance and control system
Publication Date: 29.03.2022 | Applicability Date: 30.03.2022
- Naming of taxiways
- Location of holding bays, runway-holding positions, intermediate holding positions and road-holding positions
- Runway guard lights, no-entry bar, information signs
- Aircraft arresting systems
- Runway shoulders
Remarks on Changes:
The Annex to this decision is issued as Issue 6 of CS-ADR-DSN and includes the following changes:
Editorial change
- GM1 ADR-DSN.E.355 Strength of aprons
- CS ADR-DSN.L.605 Mandatory instruction marking
- CS ADR-DSN.M.690 Runway centre line lights
- CS ADR-DSN.N.780 Mandatory instruction signs
- CS ADR-DSN.A.002 Definitions
- GM1 ADR-DSN.A.002 Definitions
- GM1 ADR-DSN.A.005 Aerodrome reference code (ARC)
- GM1 ADR-DSN.B.070 Sight distance for slopes of runways
- GM1 ADR-DSN.B.085 Runway strength
- GM1 ADR-DSN.B.095 Runway turn pads
- CS ADR-DSN.B.115 Width of shoulders for runway turn pads
- GM1 ADR-DSN.B.115 Width of shoulders for runway turn pads
- CS ADR-DSN.B.125 Runway shoulders
- GM1 ADR-DSN.B.150 Runway strip to be provided
- GM1 ADR-DSN.B.165 Objects on runway strips
- GM1 ADR-DSN.B.175 Grading of runway strips
- CS ADR-DSN.B.200 Stopways
- GM1 ADR-DSN.B.200 Stopways
- GM1 ADR-DSN.C.210 Runway end safety areas (RESA)
- GM1 ADR-DSN.D.240 Taxiways general
- GM1 ADR-DSN.D.285 Strength of taxiways
- CS ADR-DSN.D.340 Location of holding bays, runway-holding positions, intermediate holding positions, and road-holding positions
- GM1 ADR-DSN.D.340 Location of holding bays, runway-holding positions, intermediate holding positions, and road-holding positions
- GM1 ADR-DSN.E.360 Slopes on aprons
- CS ADR-DSN.G.380 Location
- GM1 ADR-DSN.G.380 Location
- GM1 ADR-DSN.G.400 Clearance distances on a de-icing/anti-icing pad
- CS ADR-DSN.L.555 Taxiway centre line marking
- CS ADR-DSN.L.570 Enhanced taxiway centre line marking
- CS ADR-DSN.L.610 Information marking
- CS ADR-DSN.M.650 Approach slope and elevation setting of light units for PAPI and APAPI
- CS ADR-DSN.M.655 Obstacle protection surface for PAPI and APAPI
- CS ADR-DSN.M.710 Taxiway centre line lights
- CS ADR-DSN.M.715 Taxiway centre line lights on taxiways, runways, rapid exit taxiways, or on other exit taxiways
- CS ADR-DSN.M.745 Runway guard lights
- GM1 ADR-DSN.M.745 Runway guard lights
- CS ADR-DSN.M.771 No-entry bar
- GM1 ADR-DSN.M.771 No-entry bar
- CS ADR-DSN.N.775 General
- GM1 ADR-DSN.N.775 General
- CS ADR-DSN.N.785 Information signs
- GM1 ADR-DSN.P.825 Taxiway edge markers
- GM1 ADR-DSN.Q.840 Objects to be marked and/or lighted within the lateral boundaries of the obstacle limitation surfaces
- CS ADR-DSN.Q.845 Marking of fixed objects
- CS ADR-DSN.Q.852 Marking and lighting of overhead wires, cables, supporting towers, etc.
- CS ADR-DSN.T.915 Siting of equipment and installations on operational areas
- GM1 ADR-DSN.T.915 Siting of equipment and installations on operational areas
- CS ADR-DSN.U.935 Colours for markings, signs and panels
- CS ADR-DSN.C.236 Engineered Materials Arresting System (EMAS)
- GM1 ADR-DSN.C.236 Engineered Materials Arresting System (EMAS)
Publication Date: 17.02.2022 | Applicability Date: 01.08.2022
- All-weather operations
Remarks on Changes:
This regulation amends the Annexes of Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 as follows:
Annex I (Definitions for terms used in Annexes II to IV)
- The followng definitions are inserted
- decision altitude / decision height
- low-visibility operations (LVO with RVR < 550 m or DH < 200 ft)
- operation with operational credits
- The following definitions are replaced
- instrument runway
- low-visibility procedures
- low-visibility take-offs (new: RVR < 550 m; old: RVR between 400 m and 75 m)
- type B instrument approach operation (no differentiation between CAT IIIA, CAT IIIB and CAT IIIC)
- The following definitions are deleted
- lower than Standard Category I operation
- other than Standard Category II operation
Annex III (Part-ADR.OR)
- ADR.OR.C.005(e) is added: Aerodrome operator responsibilities
Annex IV (Part-ADR.OPS)
- ADR.OPS.A.070 is added: Information on the aerodrome lighting system
- ADR.OPS.A.075 is added: Charts
- ADR.OPS.A.080 is added: Information on radio navigation and landing aids
- ADR.OPS.A.085 is added: Information on visual segment surface (VSS) penetration
- ADR.OPS.B.030(a) is replaced: Surface movement guidance and control system
- ADR.OPS.B.030(d) is added: Surface movement guidance and control system
- ADR.OPS.B.045 is replaced: Low-visibility procedures
Changes 2020-2021
Publication Date: 04.03.2021 | Applicability Date: 05.03.2021 | 12.08.2021
- Runway safety
Remarks on Changes:
The Annex to this decision is issued as Issue 5 of CS-ADR-DSN and includes the following changes:
Editorial change
- CS ADR-DSN.A.001 Applicability
- GM1 ADR-DSN.A.001 Applicability
- GM1 ADR-DSN.B.030 Runway threshold
- GM1 ADR-DSN.D.295 Rapid exit taxiways
- GM1 ADR-DSN.H.405 Applicability
- CS ADR-DSN.M.626 Simple approach lighting systems
- GM1 ADR-DSN.T.915 Siting of equipment and installations on operational areas
- CS ADR-DSN.A.002 Definitions
- The definitions of ‘frost’, ‘ice’, ‘slush’, ‘snow’, ‘standing water’, and ‘wet ice’ contained in the Annex to this Decision shall apply from 12 August 2021.
- CS ADR-DSN.B.165 Objects on runway strips
- CS ADR-DSN.M.630 Precision approach Category I lighting system
- CS ADR-DSN.M.635 Precision approach Category II and III lighting system
- CS ADR-DSN.M.690 Runway centre line lights
- CS ADR-DSN.M.705 Stopway lights
- CS ADR-DSN.R.855 Closed runways and taxiways, or parts thereof
- GM1 ADR-DSN.R.855 Closed runways and taxiways, or parts thereof
- CS ADR-DSN.S.880 Electrical power supply systems
- CS ADR-DSN.S.890 Monitoring
- CS ADR-DSN.Q.850 (Former: Lighting of other objects; Now "Intentionally left blank")
- GM1 ADR-DSN.Q.850 (Former: Lighting of other objects; Now "Intentionally left blank")
- CS ADR-DSN.S.895 (Former: Serviceability level; Now "Intentionally left blank")
- GM1 ADR-DSN.S.895 (Former: Serviceability level; Now "Intentionally left blank")
Publication Date: 04.03.2021 | Applicability Date: 05.03.2021 | 12.08.2021 | 27.01.2022 | 20.03.2022
- Training and proficiency check
- Handover activities
- Vehicles
- Communications
- Control of pedestrians
- Maintenance
- Runway safety (from 12.08.2021)
- Aeronautical data (from 27.01.2022)
- Apron management operations (from 20.03.2022)
Remarks on Changes:
AMC and GM to Authority, Organisation and Operations Requirements for Aerodromes - Issue 1, Amendment 5
This decision amends the Annex to ED decision 2014/012/R as follows:
Applicable from 05.03.2021:
Annex III (Part-ADR.AR)
- AMC1 ADR.AR.C.010 is amended: Oversight programme
Annex III (Part-ADR.OR)
- GM1 ADR.OR.B.040(a);(b) is amended: Changes
- GM1 ADR.OR.D.017(a);(b);(c);(d); AMC1 ADR.OR.D.017(c);(d); AMC1 ADR.OR.D.017(e); AMC2 ADR.OR.D.017(e); GM1 ADR.OR.D.017(e); AMC1 ADR.OR.D.017(f); GM1 ADR.OR.D.017(g) are added: Training and proficiency check programmes
- AMC1 ADR.OR.D.017(a);(b); AMC1 ADR.OR.D.017(d) are amended: Training and proficiency check programmes
- AMC2 ADR.OR.D.017(a);(b); AMC3 ADR.OR.D.017(a);(b); GM1 ADR.OR.D.017(a);(b); GM1 ADR.OR.D.017(c) are deleted: Training and proficiency check programmes
- GM2 ADR.OR.D.017(a);(b) is replaced by GM1 ADR.OR.D.017(e): Training and proficiency check programmes
- GM2 ADR.OR.D.017(c) is replaced by AMC1 ADR.OR.D.017(g): Training and proficiency check programmes
- AMC1 ADR.OR.D.017(d) is replaced by AMC1 ADR.OR.D.017(h): Training and proficiency check programmes
- AMC1 ADR.OR.D.017(e) is replaced by AMC1 ADR.OR.D.017(i): Training and proficiency check programmes
- GM1 ADR.OR.D.017(e) is replaced by AMC2 ADR.OR.D.017(i): Training and proficiency check programmes
- GM2 ADR.OR.D.017(e) is replaced by AMC3 ADR.OR.D.017(i): Training and proficiency check programmes
- AMC3 ADR.OR.E.005 is amended: Aerodrome Manual
Annex IV (Part-ADR.OPS)
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.A.057(a)(1); AMC1 ADR.OPS.A.057(a)(2);(3); GM1 ADR.OPS.A.057(a)(2);(3); GM1 ADR.OPS.A.057(b); GM2 ADR.OPS.A.057(b); GM1 ADR.OPS.A.057(d)(1) are added: Origination of NOTAM
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.003(a); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.003(b) are added: Handover activities - provision of operational information
- GM1 ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(3) is replaced by AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.010(d): Rescue and firefighting services
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.010(b);(c) is replaced by AMC2 ADR.OPS.B.010(d): Rescue and firefighting services
- AMC3 GM1 ADR.OPS.B.010(b);(c) is replaced by AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.010(c): Rescue and firefighting services
- AMC2 ADR.OPS.B.010(b);(c); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.010(b);(c) GM2 ADR.OPS.B.010(b);(c); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.010(c); GM2 ADR.OPS.B.010(c); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.010(d); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.010(e); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.010(e); GM2 ADR.OPS.B.010(e) are deleted: Rescue and firefighting services
- AMC2 ADR.OPS.B.015 is amended: Monitoring and inspection of movement area and related facilities
- GM7 ADR.OPS.B.015 is added: Monitoring and inspection of movement area and related facilities
- GM2 ADR.OPS.B.015 is deleted: Monitoring and inspection of movement area and related facilities
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.016(a); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.016(b)(1); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.016(b)(1); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.016(b)(2); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.016(b)(2); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.016(b)(3); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.016(b)(3); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.016(c); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.016(c) are added: Foreign object debris control programme
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.025; AMC2 ADR.OPS.B.025; GM1 ADR.OPS.B.025; GM2 ADR.OPS.B.025 are deleted: Operation of vehicle
- GM1 ADR.OPS.B.024(a); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.024(a)(1); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.024(a)(5); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.024(b); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.024(b); AMC2 ADR.OPS.B.024(b); AMC3 ADR.OPS.B.024(b); GM2 ADR.OPS.B.024(b); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.024(c); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.024(d); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.024(d); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.024(e) are added: Authorisation of vehicle drivers
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.026(a)(1);(3); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.026(b); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.026(c)(1); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.026(c)(1); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.026(d); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.026(e); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.026(e); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.026(f); are added: Authorisation of vehicles
- GM1 ADR.OPS.B.027(e)(1); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.027(h)(2) are added: Operation of vehicle
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.028; GM1 ADR.OPS.B.028 are added: Aircraft towing
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.029(b); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.029(e); AMC2 ADR.OPS.B.029(e); AMC3 ADR.OPS.B.029(e); AMC4 ADR.OPS.B.029(e); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.029(e); GM2 ADR.OPS.B.029(e); GM3 ADR.OPS.B.029(e); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.029(f); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.029(f); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.029(g) is added: Language Proficiency
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.030(b); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.030(b); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.030(c); are added: Surface movement guidance and control system
- GM1 ADR.OPS.B.031(b); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.031(b)(4) are added: Communications
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.033(a); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.033(b) are added: Control of pedestrians
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.065 is amended: Visual aids and aerodrome electrical systems
- GM1 ADR.OPS.B.065 is added: Visual aids and aerodrome electrical systems
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.070; AMC2 ADR.OPS.B.070; AMC4 ADR.OPS.B.070 are amended: Aerodrome works safety
- GM6 ADR.OPS.B.070 is added: Aerodrome works safety (Closed runway and taxiway markings – avoiding the lack of contrast)
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.075 is amended: Safeguarding of aerodromes
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.080; GM1 ADR.OPS.B.080 are deleted: Marking and lighting of vehicles and other mobile objects
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.080(a); AMC2 ADR.OPS.B.080(a); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.080(a) are added: Marking and lighting of vehicles and other mobile objects
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.C.005; GM1 ADR.OPS.C.005 are amended: General (Maintenance programme)
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.C.007(a); AMC1 ADR.OPS.C.007(a)(1); GM1 ADR.OPS.C.007(a)(2); AMC1 ADR.OPS.C.007(b)(1); AMC1 ADR.OPS.C.007(b)(2); AMC1 ADR.OPS.C.007(b)(3); AMC1 ADR.OPS.C.007(c); AMC2 ADR.OPS.C.007(c); GM1 ADR.OPS.C.007(d) are added: Maintenance of vehicles
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.C.010; GM1 ADR.OPS.C.010(b)(3) are amended: Maintenance of Pavements, other ground surfaces and drainage
- GM2 ADR.OPS.C.010(b)(1) is replaced by GM1 ADR.OPS.C.010(b)(1): Pavements, other ground surfaces and drainage
- GM3 ADR.OPS.C.010(b)(2) is replaced by GM1 ADR.OPS.C.010(b)(2): Pavements, other ground surfaces and drainage
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.C.010(b)(3); AMC1 ADR.OPS.C.010(b)(4); AMC2 ADR.OPS.C.010(b)(4); AMC3 ADR.OPS.C.010(b)(4); AMC4 ADR.OPS.C.010(b)(4); GM1 ADR.OPS.C.010(b)(4); GM2 ADR.OPS.C.010(b)(4); are added: Maintenance of pavements, other ground surfaces and drainage
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.C.015 is deleted: Maintenance of visual aids and electrical systems
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.C.015(a);(f); GM1 ADR.OPS.C.015(a);(f); GM2 ADR.OPS.C.015(a);(f); GM1 ADR.OPS.C.015(b); GM2 ADR.OPS.C.015(b); GM3 ADR.OPS.C.015(b); GM1 ADR.OPS.C.015(b);(c); AMC1 ADR.OPS.C.015(b);(f); GM1 ADR.OPS.C.015(b);(f); AMC1 ADR.OPS.C.015(d); GM1 ADR.OPS.C.015(d); AMC1 ADR.OPS.C.015(d);(f); GM1 ADR.OPS.C.015(d);(f); are added: Maintenance of visual aids and electrical systems
Applicable from 12.08.2021:
Annex I Definitions
- Guidance material to definitions used in Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 is added
Annex II – Part-ADR.AR
- GM1 ADR.AR.C.035(e) is amended: Issuance of certificates
Annex III – Part-ADR.OR
- Point (g) in GM1 ADR.OR.B.040(a);(b) is amended: Changes
Annex IV – Part-ADR.OPS
- GM1 ADR.OPS.A.005 is amended: Aerodrome data
- GM1 ADR.OPS.A.057(d)(4); GM2 ADR.OPS.A.057(d)(4) are added: Origination of NOTAM
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.A.065(a); AMC2 ADR.OPS.A.065(a); GM1 ADR.OPS.A.065(a); GM2 ADR.OPS.A.065(a); GM3 ADR.OPS.A.065(a); GM4 ADR.OPS.A.065(a); GM1 ADR.OPS.A.065(a)(18);(19); AMC1 ADR.OPS.A.065(b);(c); GM1 ADR.OPS.A.065(b);(c); GM1 ADR.OPS.A.065(d) are added: Reporting of the runway surface condition
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.035; GM1 ADR.OPS.B.035 are deleted: Operations in winter conditions
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.035(a); AMC2 ADR.OPS.B.035(a); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.035(a)(1); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.035(a)(2); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.035(b)(3) are added: Operations in winter conditions
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.036(b)(1)(i); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.036(b)(1)(i); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.036(b)(1)(ii); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.036(b)(1)(iii); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.036(b)(1)(iv); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.036(b)(1)(iv); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.036(b)(2); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.036(b)(2); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.036(b)(3); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.036(b)(3); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.036(b)(4); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.036(c); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.036(c) are added: Operations on specially prepared winter runways
- GM1 ADR.OPS.B.037(a); GM2 ADR.OPS.B.037(a); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.037(a); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.037(a);(b); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.037(b); GM2 ADR.OPS.B.037(b); AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.037(c); GM1 ADR.OPS.B.037(c) are added: Assessment of runway surface condition and assignment of runway condition code
Applicable from 27.01.2022:
Annex III – Part-ADR.OR
- AMC1 ADR.OR.D.007(a) is deleted: Management of aeronautical data and aeronautical information
- GM1 ADR.OR.D.007(b) is added: Management of aeronautical data and aeronautical information
Annex IV – Part-ADR.OPS
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.A.010; AMC2 ADR.OPS.A.010 are amended: Data quality requirements
- GM1 ADR.OPS.A.010; GM2 ADR.OPS.A.010; GM1 ADR.OPS.A.010(d); GM1 ADR.OPS.A.010(e) are added: Data quality requirements
- GM1 ADR.OPS.A.020(a); GM2 ADR.OPS.A.020(a); AMC1 ADR.OPS.A.020(b); GM1 ADR.OPS.A.020(b); GM2 ADR.OPS.A.020(b); GM1 ADR.OPS.A.020(c) are added: Common reference system
- GM1 ADR.OPS.A.025; GM2 ADR.OPS.A.025 are added: Data error detection and authentication
- GM1 ADR.OPS.A.030 is added: Aeronautical data catalogue:
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.A.035; GM1 ADR.OPS.A.035; GM2 ADR.OPS.A.035 are added: Data verification and validation
- GM1 ADR.OPS.A.040 is added: Error handling requirements
- GM1 ADR.OPS.A.055; GM2 ADR.OPS.A.055 are added: Tools and software
Applicable from 20.03.2022:
- AMC2 ADR.OPS.D.085(f) is added: Training and proficiency check programmes of personnel providing taxi instructions to aircraft through radiotelephony
Publication Date: 18.12.2020 | Applicability Date: 07.01.2021 | 12.08.2021 | 27.01.2022
- Training and proficiency check
- Vehicles
- Communications
- Control of pedestrians
- Maintenance
- Runway safety (from 12.08.2021)
- Aeronautical data (from 27.01.2022)
Remarks on Changes:
This regulation amends the Annexes to the Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 as follows:
Applicable from 07.01.2021
Annex I (Definitions)
- Several definitions are added (such as AIC, AIP, FOD, contaminated runway etc.)
- Definition of "Terms of certificate" is replaced ("Aeroplane operations on specially prepared winter runways" is added)
Annex III (Part-ADR.OR)
- ADR.OR.D.017 is amended: Training and proficiency check programmes
Annex IV (Part-ADR.OPS)
- ADR.OPS.A.057 is added: Origination of NOTAM (except for (d)(4) SNOWTAM)
- Appendix 1 and 2 are added: NOTAM FORMAT; SNOWTAM FORMAT
- ADR.OPS.B.003 is inserted: Handover of activities - provision of operational information
- ADR.OPS.B.010 is amended: Rescue and firefighting services
- ADR.OPS.B.016 is inserted: Foreign object debris control programme
- ADR.OPS.B.024 is inserted: Authorisation of vehicle drivers
- ADR.OPS.B.25 is deleted
- ADR.OPS.B.026 to ADR.OPS.B.029 are inserted
- Authorisation of vehicles
- Operation of vehicles
- Aircraft towing
- Language proficiency
- ADR.OPS.B.030 is amended: Surface movement guidance and control system
- ADR.OPS.B.031 is inserted: Communications
- ADR.OPS.B.033 is inserted: Control of pedestrians
- ADR.OPS.B.080 is amended: Marking and lighting of vehicles and other mobile objects
- ADR.OPS.C.005 is amended: Maintenance - General
- ADR.OPS.C.007 is inserted: Maintenance of vehicles
- ADR.OPS.C.010 is amended: Maintenance of pavements, other ground surfaces and drainage
- ADR.OPS.C.015 is amended: Maintenance of visual aids and electrical systems
Applicable from 12.08.2021:
- ADR.OPS.A.057(d)(4) is added: Origination of NOTAM (SNOWTAM)
- ADR.OPS.A.060 is added: Reporting of surface contaminants
- ADR.OPS.A.065 is added: Reporting of the runway surface condition
- ADR.OPS.B.035 is amended: Operations in winter conditions
- ADR.OPS.B.036 is inserted: Operations on specially prepared winter runways
- ADR.OPS.B.037 is inserted: Assessment of runway surface condition and assignment of runway condition code
Applicable from 27.01.2022:
- ADR.OR.D.007 is amended: Management of aeronautical data and aeronautical information
- ADR.OPS.A.010 is amended: Data quality requirements
- ADR.OPS.A.020 to ADR.OPS.A.055 are added:
- Common reference systems
- Data error detection and authentication
- Aeronautical data catalogue
- Data validation and verification
- Error handling requirements
- Metadata
- Data transmission
- Tools and software
Publication Date: 15.12.2020 | Applicability Date: 20.03.2022
- Apron management services (AMS) and operations
Remarks on Changes:
AMC and GM to Authority, Organisation and Operations Requirements for Aerodromes - Issue 1, Amendment 4
This decision amends the Annex to ED decision 2014/012/R as follows:
Annex II (Part-ADR.AR)
- GM1 ADR.AR.A.010(b) is amended: Oversight documentation
- AMC1 ADR.AR.A.030(d) is deleted: Immediate reaction to a safety problem
- GM1 ADR.AR.A.040(b) is amended: Safety directives
- AMC2 ADR.AR.B.005(a)(2); GM1 ADR.AR.B.005(a)(2); GM2 ADR.AR.B.005(a)(2) are amended: Management system
- GM1 ADR.AR.B.010 is amended: Allocation of tasks to qualified entities
- AMC1 ADR.AR.B.020(a)(4);(a)(5); AMC1 ADR.AR.B.020(c); GM2 ADR.AR.B.020(a) are amended: Record keeping
- AMC1 ADR.AR.C.010; GM1 ADR.AR.C.010; AMC1 ADR.AR.C.010(b); AMC1 ADR.AR.C.010(b);(c); AMC2 ADR.AR.C.010(b);(c); GM1 ADR.AR.C.010(b); GM2 ADR.AR.C.010(b) are amended: Oversight programme
Annex III (Part-ADR.OR)
- GM1 ADR.OR.B.060 is deleted: Declaration of providers of apron management services
- AMC1 ADR.OR.C.030 is amended: Occurrence reporting
The following points are added to Subpart F:
- GM1 ADR.OR.F.005(a); GM2 ADR.OR.F.005(a) Declaration of the organisation responsible for the provision of AMS
- AMC1 ADR.OR.F.020(a) Termination of the provision of apron management services (AMS)
- GM1 ADR.OR.F.025(d) Changes
- AMC1 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(1); GM1 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(1); GM2 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(1); GM3 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(1); GM4 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(1): Management system (Safety management system)
- AMC1 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(2); GM1 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(2): Management system (Safety policy)
- AMC1 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(3); GM1 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(3): Management system (Hazard identification)
- AMC1 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(4); GM1 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(4): Management system (Safety risk assessment and mitigation)
- AMC1 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(5); GM1 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(5): Management system (Safety performance monitoring and measurement)
- AMC1 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(6); GM1 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(6): Management system (Change Management)
- AMC1 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(7); GM1 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(7): Management system (Continuous improvement of the safety management system)
- AMC1 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(8); GM1 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(8): Management system (Safety management system training)
- AMC1 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(9); GM1 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(9): Management system (Safety communication)
- AMC1 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(10); GM1 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(10); AMC2 ADR.OR.F.045(b)(10) Management system (Compliance monitoring)
- AMC1 ADR.OR.F.045(c); AMC2 ADR.OR.F.045(c); GM1 ADR.OR.F.045(c)Management system (Management system documentation)
- AMC1 ADR.OR.F.050 Occurrence reporting
- AMC1 ADR.OR.F.055(a); AMC1 ADR.OR.F.055; GM1 ADR.OR.F.055: Safety reporting system
- AMC1 ADR.OR.F.065(a)(1); GM1 ADR.OR.F.065(a)(1); Personnel requirements (Accountable manager)
- AMC1 ADR.OR.F.065(a)(2): Personnel requirements (Operations manager)
- AMC1 ADR.OR.F.065(a)(3): Personnel requirements (Safety manager)
- GM1 ADR.OR.F.065(a)(2);(a)(3): Personnel requirements (Combined responsibilities)
- AMC1 ADR.OR.F.065(a)(4); GM1 ADR.OR.F.065(a)(4): Personnel requirements (Personnel qualifications)
- AMC1 ADR.OR.F.080; GM1 ADR.OR.F.080: Record keeping
- AMC1 ADR.OR.F.095; AMC2 ADR.OR.F.095; GM1 ADR.OR.F.095; GM2 ADR.OR.F.095; AMC1 ADR.OR.F.095(g)(1): Management system manual
Annex IV (Part-ADR.OPS)
The following points are added to Subpart D:
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.D.005 Apron boundaries
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.D.010(a)(2);(b)(2): Coordination of aircraft entry to / exit from the apron
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.D.015(a); GM1 ADR.OPS.D.015(b); AMC1 ADR.OPS.D.015(c): Management of aircraft movements on the apron
- Corrigendum (15.01.2021): AMC1 ADR.OPS.D.020(a)(3); GM1 ADR.OPS.D.020(b) are deleted: Management of vehicle movements on the apron
- GM1 ADR.OPS.D.025; AMC1 ADR.OPS.D.025(a)(3); GM1 ADR.OPS.D.025(b)(1); GM1 ADR.OPS.D.025(b)(2); GM1 ADR.OPS.D.025(b)(3): Aircraft stand allocation
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.D.035(a); AMC1 ADR.OPS.D.035(b); AMC2 ADR.OPS.D.035(b); AMC3 ADR.OPS.D.035(b); AMC1 ADR.OPS.D.035(c): Aircraft parking
- GM1 ADR.OPS.D.040; GM1 ADR.OPS.D.040(e): Aircraft departure from the stand
- GM1 ADR.OPS.D.045 Dissemination of information to organisations operating at the apron
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.D.050(a)(2); GM1 ADR.OPS.D.050(a)(2): Alerting of emergency services
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.D.055(a); AMC1 ADR.OPS.D.055(d): Jet blast precautions
- GM1 ADR.OPS.D.065 Engine test
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.D.080(a)(1);(2): Training for marshallers
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.D.080(a)(2);(b)(2)(i): Training for ‘follow-me’ vehicle drivers
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.D.085(a)(2)(i): Initial training
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.D.085(a)(2)(ii): Unit training
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.D.085(f); AMC2 ADR.OPS.D.085(f); AMC3 ADR.OPS.D.085(f); AMC4 ADR.OPS.D.085(f); GM1 ADR.OPS.D.085(f); GM2 ADR.OPS.D.085(f); GM2 ADR.OPS.D.085(f): Language proficiency assessment
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.D.085(g); GM1 ADR.OPS.D.085(g): Language training
Publication Date: 31.08.2020 | Applicability Date: 20.03.2022
- Apron management services (AMS) and operations
Remarks on Changes:
This regulation amends the Annexes of Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 as follows:
- Article 1 and 3 are amended
- Article 5, paragraph 5 is deleted
Annex II (Part-ADR.AR) is amended in accordance with Annex I to this Regulation
Annex III (Part-ADR.OR)
- The title of Annex III is replaced by the following: ‘Part Organisation Requirements (Part-ADR.OR)’.
- The title of Subpart B is replaced by the following: ‘SUBPART B – CERTIFICATION – AERODROMES AND AERODROME OPERATORS (ADR.OR.B)’.
- ADR.OR.B.037 is deleted: Continued validity of a declaration of a provider of apron management service
- ADR.OR.B.060 is deleted: Declaration of providers of apron management services
- ADR.OR.B.070 is added: Termination of the provision of apron management service
- ADR.OR.C.015 is amended: Access
- ADR.OR.C.020 is amended: Findings and corrective actions
- ADR.OR.C.025 is amended: Immediate reaction to a safety problem – compliance with safety directives
- ADR.OR.C.030 is amended: Occurrence reporting
- The title of Subpart D is replaced by the following: ‘SUBPART D – MANAGEMENT – AERODROME OPERATORS (ADR.OR.D)’.
The following Subpart F is added: ‘SUBPART F – APRON MANAGEMENT SERVICE (ADR.OR.F)
- ADR.OR.F.001 Responsibilities of the organisation responsible for the provision of AMS
- ADR.OR.F.005 Declaration of the organisation responsible for the provision of AMS
- ADR.OR.F.010 Continued validity of the declaration
- ADR.OR.F.015 Start of the provision of apron management service
- ADR.OR.F.020 Termination of the provision of apron management service
- ADR.OR.F.025 Changes
- ADR.OR.F.030 Access
- ADR.OR.F.035 Findings and corrective actions
- ADR.OR.F.040 Immediate reaction to a safety problem – compliance with safety directives
- ADR.OR.F.045 Management system
- ADR.OR.F.050 Reporting malfunctions of systems used for the provision of apron management services
- ADR.OR.F.055 Safety reporting system
- ADR.OR.F.060 Safety programmes
- ADR.OR.F.065 Personnel requirements
- ADR.OR.F.075 Use of alcohol, psychoactive substances and medicines
- ADR.OR.F.080 Record-keeping
- ADR.OR.F.090 Formal arrangement between the organisation responsible for the provision of AMS and the air traffic service provider
- ADR.OR.F.095 Management system manual
- ADR.OR.F.100 Documentation requirements
Annex IV (Part-ADR.OPS)
The following Subpart D is added: ‘SUBPART D – APRON MANAGEMENT OPERATIONS
- ADR.OPS.D.001 Apron management safety related activities
- ADR.OPS.D.010 Coordination of aircraft entry to/exit from the apron
- ADR.OPS.D.015 Management of aircraft movements on the apron
- ADR.OPS. D.025 Aircraft stand allocation
- ADR.OPS.D.030 Marshalling of aircraft
- ADR.OPS.D.035 Aircraft parking
- ADR.OPS.D.040 Aircraft departure from the stand
- ADR.OPS.D.045 Dissemination of information to organisations operating at the apron
- ADR.OPS.D.050 Alerting of emergency services
- ADR.OPS.D.055 Jet blast precautions
- ADR.OPS.D.060 Aircraft refuelling
- ADR.OPS.D.065 Engine test
- ADR.OPS.D.070 High-visibility clothing
- ADR.OPS.D.075 Start-up clearances and taxi instructions
- ADR.OPS.D.080 Training and proficiency check programmes of marshallers and “FOLLOW-ME” drivers
- ADR.OPS.D.085 Training and proficiency check programme of personnel providing taxi instructions to aircraft through radiotelephony
Publication Date: 15.07.2020 | Applicability Date: 16.07.2020
- Physical and medical fitness of rescue and firefighting personnel
Remarks on Changes:
AMC and GM to Authority, Organisation and Operations Requirements for Aerodromes - Issue 1, Amendment 3
This decision amends the Annex to ED decision 2014/012/R as follows:
- AMC1 ADR.OPS.B.010(b);(c) is amended: RFFS (Training programme of RFFS personnel - General)
- GM1 ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(4) is inserted: RFFS (Medical assessment)
- GM2 ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(4) is inserted: RFFS (Medical criteria for RFFS personnel)
- GM3 ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(4) is inserted: RFFS (Physical fitness evaluation programme)
Publication Date: 03.04.2020 | Applicability Date: 27.01.2022
Official Link
- Airspace and flight procedure
Remarks on Changes:
This regulation amends the Annex III of Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 as follows:
ADR.OR.B.015(b)(2)(ii) is replaced: Application for a certificate (Airspace)
ADR.OR.B.025(a)(1)(iii) is replaced: Demonstration of compliance (Flight procedure)
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