ICAO PANS-OPS Refresher Training by ANI
Instrument flight procedures demand a high level of quality control. Amongst others, designers play a key role in the development of a quality flight procedure.
Training is one of the most important elements of quality assurance. ICAO document 9906 (“Quality Assurance Manual For Flight Procedure Design”) as well as States require a “competency-based approach” to ensure that flight procedure designers have acquired and maintain this competency level through training, supervised on-the-job training (OJT), recurrent and refresher training.
A refresher training is required at regular intervals. This five-day ICAO PANS-OPS Refresher Training typically encompasses the last three amendments of ICAO PANS-OPS and included information about upcoming ones as well. Whenever a topic for recurrency is addressed, also some of the related fundamentals are covered.
Please note: This ICAO PANS-OPS Refresher Training is conducted in Switzerland by the Air Navigation Institute (ANI), a partner of airsight for flight procedure design training. If you have a related project that you would like to discuss with us, feel free to contact us via e-mail or visit our aerodrome safeguarding page.
Course Details
Provider:airsight GmbH
Course Content
- A generic rundown of the recurrent/refresher training cannot be provided. Typically, the course covers the last three published amendments plus the one that is in the pipeline for publication.
Beat Zimmermann
Beat Zimmermann is the founder and managing director of the Air Navigation Institute (ANI). He instructs most of the ANI flight procedure design courses. He holds a commercial pilot license (CPL) and has been active in aviation since 1984. He trained with the Swiss Air Force's and Swissair's joint pilot recruitment and training program (FVS), and later became an Air Traffic Controller at Geneva ACC. In 1993 he completed his ICAO PANS-OPS studies at Bailbrook College. In 1995 he became the Chief Flight Procedure Designer at Swisscontrol (Swiss ANSP at the time).
Beat Zimmermann is the Chairman of the ICAO Instrument Flight Procedures Panel (IFPP, formerly OCP) nominated as a member to the IFPP by the International Flight Procedure Design and Validation Association IFPDAVA of which he is founding member and Chairman as well. Furthermore, Beat was a guest lecturer at the ZHAW (Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften/Zürich University of Applied Sciences) in their Bachelor Program in Aviation and to come full circle academically, he continues his studies and research in Education Psychology (as independent studies) with his mentor.
Target Group
- Flight procedure designers
- Civil Aviation Authorities staff
Course Location
This course is conducted by the Air Navigation Institute ANI in Interlaken, Switzerland. ANI is a long-term training and business partner of airsight and we are proud to feature some of their courses on our website. If you send an inquiry regarding an ANI course, it will get forwarded to the training providers at ANI. airsight is not involved in the organisation of this course.
About airsight Training

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airsight operates an ISO 9001 certified Quality Management System and pursues the objective to provide high quality services that fully meet the clients’ needs.