Concept for safe flight operations under IFR conditions in uncontrolled airspace
German Ministry of Transport
The German Ministry of Transport has commissioned airsight to develop a concept for implementation of flight operations under instrument flight rules (IFR) in uncontrolled class G airspace in Germany.
Unlike other European states, German airspace rules currently differ from the European Commission’s Standardised European Rules of the Air (SERA) regulations as they do not allow flight operations under instrument flight rules (IFR) in uncontrolled airspace (class G). This is due to safety concerns caused by VFR flights operating above and below clouds, thus resulting in a potential risk of aircraft collision.
Allowing IFR flights to operate safely in class G airspace is essential to comply with European Regulation 923/2012 on air and operational provisions regarding services and procedures in air navigation and to respond to the growing demand for helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) as well as supply services for offshore wind farms.
airsight has detailed knowledge of national and international regulations and a dedicated and highly qualified team of experts with extensive references on safety assessments and flight procedures, and managing stakeholders with diverging interests (i.e. National Aviation Authorities, military, airspace users).
The study includes an assessment of the legal framework, the establishment of a comprehensive airspace concept, the development of processes for the approval of flight operations as well as the drafting of regulatory requirements to implement future procedures.
The end objective of this project is to determine the conditions acceptable to achieve a high level of safety for all stakeholders involved, and to facilitate the acceptance and future implementation of such a concept.
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