Aeronautical Study to Assess the Operation of Airbus A380
Copenhagen Airport
Aircraft whose code letter is higher than the code letter of the respective aerodrome reference code generally have an impact on given aerodrome facilities, services, and operations when the dimensions and/or mass of these aeroplanes exceed the design parameters used in planning and developing the aerodrome. As per Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014, airport operators should carry out an appropriate safety assessment to evaluate the need for mitigation measures, operational procedures and operating restrictions for the specific aeroplane concerned to ensure safe operations.
Copenhagen Airport (CPH) is certified for aerodrome reference code 4E operations. In 2022, airsight has been appointed by its airport operator Københavns Lufthavne A/S to conduct a comprehensive aeronautical study addressing the impact of Airbus A380 aircraft operations (i.e. higher code letter operations) at CPH
To satisfy European regulations and taking into consideration the level of detail specified in ICAO Circular 305 Operation of New Larger Aeroplanes at Existing Aerodromes the study addressed all infrastructure elements relevant for A380 operations, i.e. runway incl. adjacent areas, obstacle limitation and operation of PAPI, taxiways and taxilanes as well as aircraft stands and de-icing pads. Further consideration was given to the strength of pavements, potential jet blast effects and the impact on CNS equipment as well as rescue and firefighting, and procedures for removal of disabled aircraft.
Eventually, identified deviations have been assessed. Where deemed necessary, mitigation measures have been proposed including the application or adjustment of airfield ground markings and the implementation of operational procedures to ensure safe operation of A380 aircraft.
If you too need support to assess the operation of higher code letter aircraft (e.g. A380, B747-8 or B777X), please feel free to contact us via e-mail our through our website.
Photo Credit: Photo: News Øresund - Johan Wessman © News Øresund - Johan Wessman (CC BY 3.0)
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