Safety Assessments at Aerodromes - Level 3 (Quantitative)
The focus of this 3-day level 3 training is on quantitative safety assessment technics and is recommended for all aviation professionals experienced with the conduction of qualitative safety assessments as well as participants who have successfully conducted basic training on Safety Assessments at Aerodromes.
Participants will have the chance to briefly refresh basic steps of safety assessments and regulations, before extensively learning and training in-depth methodologies for the assessment of hazards and risks. Our trainers will be focusing on providing the theoretical background and showing practical applications of complex safety assessments in the aerodrome environment.
This training provides advanced safety assessment knowledge, which is practiced in several exercises and demonstrated in a selection of in-depth case studies. All participants will consolidate their safety knowledge and will benefit from insights provided by group workshops and discussions.
Each participant will achieve enhanced proficiency in assessing hazards and safety risks in the airport environment by applying methods like Event-Tree analysis (ETA), Fault-Tree analysis (FTA) or Bow-tie analysis. Notwithstanding, airport personnel as well as employees at Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs) will understand how to use the recently established European Risk Classification Scheme (ERCS, enacted in EU Reg. No. 376/2014).
Practical airport-related exercises will be conducted to cover the different steps of complex quantitative and qualitative safety assessments. Furthermore, case studies serve to illustrate the application range of safety assessments at different levels of complexity.
Please note:
All safety assessment training courses can be booked independently. However, it is highly recommended to visit the courses chronologically. In case you have already visited one of airsights’ safety assessment training courses then please get in touch with our training team in order to recommend the right course for you.
This course can also be booked as an in-house version in German - however, the course material is only available in English.
Course Details
Date:08.12. - 10.12.2025
Duration:3 days
Provider:airsight GmbH
Course Fee
For courses in Berlin:
All customers will be charged 19% VAT.
The final price will be shown on your invoice.
Please note: If you want to register several particpants from your company but need a single invoice for each, please register each of them seperately.
Course Content
Regulatory requirements related to (Safety) Management Systems frameworks, Aeronautical Studies and safety assessments
- ICAO (Annex 19, Safety Management Manual Doc 9859, PANS-Aerodromes, etc.)
- EASA (ADR Regulatory Requirements – overview)
- EU Reg. No. 376/2014 Supplement
Introduction to risk management and safety assessment steps
- System description
- Hazard identification
- Risk analysis
- Risk assessment
- Mitigation of risk
Introduction to diverse methodologies for the analysis of risk
- Event tree analysis (ETA)
- Fault tree analysis (FTA)
- Bow-tie analysis
- Bayesian networks
- Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)
- Pre-caution risk analysis
Exercises for the application of selected analysis methods – Focus on Risk Modelling
- Identification of hazards
- Analysis of frequency of risks
- Assessing the severity of consequences
- Identification of mitigation measures and estimation of their effectiveness
Case studies based on airport projects – Focus on Risk Modelling
If you have attended all Safety Training Levels:
- You will be awarded with the airsight safety diploma
- You will receive 2 hours of safety consultancy by our safety and ops team on any topic
- You will be granted access to our LinkedIn safety expert groups in which interesting and important topics are shared and discussed with safety professionals all around the world.
Jan Walther, Dipl.-Ing.
Head of airsight’s Aerodrome Safety and Operations department, Mr Walther is an aviation consultant and project engineer for airsight with extensive expertise in airport operations, aircraft operations, apron management services, air traffic control services, ground handling as well as safety management systems for aerodromes.
Mr Walther holds a Diploma degree in transport engineering. At airsight he is leading the Aerodrome Safety and Operations involved in the conduction of several safety assessments at airports in Europe and worldwide, focusing on airport operations and air traffic control related issues as well as safety management systems. The strength of his team's work lies in working in technically and politically complex environments.
He has led the 2-years research study about the so-called Triple One concept on behalf of EASA and was involved in a research project of the Ministry of Transport for development of an initial state safety programme in Germany. Within international projects (e.g. Dubai, Dublin, Auckland, Luxembourg, Singapore, Toronto), he is the responsible project manager and controller for safety assessments, which require in-depth knowledge of air traffic control services and airport operations (e. g. implementation of staggered runway operations, implementation of Remote Tower Center).
Target Group
- Aerodrome safety department (managers, deputies and team members)
- Aerodrome quality and compliance department (managers and team members)
- Aerodrome operations managers and duty officers
- Civil Aviation Authorities managers and staff
- Air Traffic Control managers and staff
- Ground handling managers and staff
- Airport management
- Airline safety department (managers and team members)
Course Location
Participants are responsible for making their own travel arrangements. The accommodation and travel costs are at the charge of the participants. Please note that airsight does not perform any travel and hotel bookings for the participants. Rooms can however be booked directly by the participants by contacting the hotel. We would like to point out that from January 2025 a City Tax of 7.5% will be imposed on overnight stays for business and professional purposes in Berlin.
The course fee includes the registration, training material and examination. For non-virtual courses, coffee breaks and business lunch are also included.
Organisational Details
The course hours are scheduled as follows:
first training day: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
mid-training days: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
last training day: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Coffee breaks and business lunch are included in the course fee. At the end of the course, all participants will receive an airsight certificate based on EASA training regulations, which is highly recognised throughout the aviation industry.
About airsight Training

airsight Training course quality
airsight operates an ISO 9001 certified Quality Management System and pursues the objective to provide high quality services that fully meet the clients’ needs.
Course Details
Location:In-houseLanguage:German / English
Duration:3 days
Provider:airsight GmbH
Course Content
Regulatory requirements related to (Safety) Management Systems frameworks, Aeronautical Studies and safety assessments
- ICAO (Annex 19, Safety Management Manual Doc 9859, PANS-Aerodromes, etc.)
- EASA (ADR Regulatory Requirements – overview)
- EU Reg. No. 376/2014 Supplement
Introduction to risk management and safety assessment steps
- System description
- Hazard identification
- Risk analysis
- Risk assessment
- Mitigation of risk
Introduction to diverse methodologies for the analysis of risk
- Event tree analysis (ETA)
- Fault tree analysis (FTA)
- Bow-tie analysis
- Bayesian networks
- Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)
- Pre-caution risk analysis
Exercises for the application of selected analysis methods – Focus on Risk Modelling
- Identification of hazards
- Analysis of frequency of risks
- Assessing the severity of consequences
- Identification of mitigation measures and estimation of their effectiveness
Case studies based on airport projects – Focus on Risk Modelling
If you have attended all Safety Training Levels:
- You will be awarded with the airsight safety diploma
- You will receive 2 hours of safety consultancy by our safety and ops team on any topic
- You will be granted access to our LinkedIn safety expert groups in which interesting and important topics are shared and discussed with safety professionals all around the world.
Daniele Occhiato
Daniele is a trainer with over 12 years of experience in the aviation industry.
He holds a degree in aerospace engineering and a master's degree in Aviation Safety. In 2020 he joined airsight's team in the safety & operations department, as a project engineer and auditor, using his experience in airport operations, apron management service, ground handling, Safety Management System, airport emergency plans, auditing and compliance management. Since 2024 he is Director of airsight Italy S.r.l.
Daniele has held positions in the airport sector as a certification figure and has an excellent knowledge of regulations (ICAO/EASA), international best practices and their implementation in the airport environment.
In airsight, he contributes to the analysis of risks related to major upgrading works, revision of airport contingency plans and compliance audits in the international context.
Jan Walther, Dipl.-Ing.
Head of airsight’s Aerodrome Safety and Operations department, Mr Walther is an aviation consultant and project engineer for airsight with extensive expertise in airport operations, aircraft operations, apron management services, air traffic control services, ground handling as well as safety management systems for aerodromes.
Mr Walther holds a Diploma degree in transport engineering. At airsight he is leading the Aerodrome Safety and Operations involved in the conduction of several safety assessments at airports in Europe and worldwide, focusing on airport operations and air traffic control related issues as well as safety management systems. The strength of his team's work lies in working in technically and politically complex environments.
He has led the 2-years research study about the so-called Triple One concept on behalf of EASA and was involved in a research project of the Ministry of Transport for development of an initial state safety programme in Germany. Within international projects (e.g. Dubai, Dublin, Auckland, Luxembourg, Singapore, Toronto), he is the responsible project manager and controller for safety assessments, which require in-depth knowledge of air traffic control services and airport operations (e. g. implementation of staggered runway operations, implementation of Remote Tower Center).
Target Group
- Aerodrome safety department (managers, deputies and team members)
- Aerodrome quality and compliance department (managers and team members)
- Aerodrome operations managers and duty officers
- Civil Aviation Authorities managers and staff
- Air Traffic Control managers and staff
- Ground handling managers and staff
- Airport management
- Airline safety department (managers and team members)
Organisational Details
airsight offers this training course on request, worldwide. At the end of the course, all participants will receive an airsight certificate based on EASA training regulations, which is highly recognised throughout the aviation industry.
About airsight Training

airsight Training course quality
airsight operates an ISO 9001 certified Quality Management System and pursues the objective to provide high quality services that fully meet the clients’ needs.